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Eye Care with Eyebright (Euphrasia)

Our eyes are working hard for us every day. Do you take care of them as well? I recommend this treatment with eyebright.

I apply this regularly. It is simple, natural and uncomplicated.

What you need:
2 grams eyebright (Euphrasia)  leaves
saucepan with 1 dl water
tea strainer
2 eye bath glasses or
2 cotton pads

How to do it:
Cook the Euphrasia leaves in water for 10 minutes. Then you pass the liquid through a sieve and let the tea cool down. Fill the cooled extract into the two eye bath glasses, place them on your eyes and bend your head backwards. This way your eyes can bath in the liquid. Of course you need to open your eyes.  The duration of the application is up to you. If you do it for the first time, I would not bath for more than one minute. For beginners it is easier to treat one eye first and the other one afterwards. Of course when you have more experience you can do both eyes simultaneously to save time for other things.

Good to know:
Alternatively you can moisten two cotton pads with the tea extract and place them on your closed eyes. (For example during a meditation or a short break). You can also pour the tea into a bowl and dip your face in it several times. In my view this is more difficult because you should open your eyes.

Eye bath glasses are available in pharmacies or in the Internet. I prefer those made of glass.

You can apply this eye bath several times a day if you wish.

If you do not need the whole extract, you can also drink the rest. The tea should have an immune strengthening effect.

I buy the eyebright (lat. euphrasia) in the pharmacy

The best place to do the treatment is in the bathroom. It can happen that water drips out of the glasses. Especially if you are not yet trained to handle them. I like to do it while taking a full bath. Then a little tea may also leak out, but you don’t need to do additional cleaning.

Always make the eyebright extract fresh, it should not be stored .

If you have a medical problem, talk to your doctor before use.

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