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Barefoot walking

The days are getting longer and the temperatures more comfortable. The ideal time to do something good to your feet!  Walk barefoot!

What most people, including myself, usually  only practise during vacations on a fine sandy beach, can easily be done at home in your day to day life. Just try it  it’s well worth the effort!

Last summer I started this experiment out of curiosity. I took off my shoes as often as possible and walked barefoot. I started strolling around this way in the public swimming area on the lake and then slowly extended my radius. At last I went shopping without shoes! I felt good about it and it was  very good for my feet too. The downsides were dirty feet and toenails. I washed my feet several times a day. This way they received the attention they deserve.

After a week of sporadic training, I took a first walk in the forest. Unfortunately the chosen path was gravelly, so I gave up after a few hundred meters. My feet had to get used to  that first. What surprised me but didn’ bother, were the strange looks of the other walkers.

When I was walking through a park on my way home, I took off my ballerinas and walked barefoot. An easy way to integrate the exercise  in my everyday life.

Walking barefoot is good for our back and helps you to connect to the earth. Further it energizes body and soul. It  stimulates the energetic points on the soles of the feet, the whole body is better supplied with blood and straightened up. It also strengthens the immune system, especially if you have the courage to walk a  few steps in the snow in winter times.

A simple, cheap exercise that brings an intense push to life and offers pleasure and satisfaction!


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